Abstract | | "Official promotion of pisciculture with carp was rapidly discontinued in America when it
became widely understood that the exotic fish frequently escaped from their farm ponds
into local waters. (In many cases, non-native carp and catfish had also been introduced
directly into waterways.) Petaluma’s Argus printed a long article in the spring of 1894
entitled “Carp Must Go.” The article stated that the once thought to be good eating the
exotic fish have proven to be worthless food fish. Opposing sportsmen argued that the
exotic “garbage fish” had disastrously replaced good eating native California fish such as
trout, perch and a great variety of salt water fish. In addition, opposing sportsmen
claimed that the foreign “hog fish” were destroying the food of migrating ducks and,
especially the carp, must be exterminated from the streams of California. "
Environmental History Digital Collection
Sonoma State University Library, Rohnert Park, California
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